CC Tv Solutions

From a single camera to thousands, Zinq has the ideal CCTV Solution for your needs

Zinq offers a wide range of CCTV solutions for video surveillance in offices, homes, industries and outdoor areas.

Our CCTV solutions are designed operate in diverse environments, providing features such as:
  • Core security and surveillance measures
  • High-quality video, regardless of lighting conditions
  • 24/7 operation with minimal down-time, zero maintenance
  • Up to 15 days - 1 month backup of video
  • Ease of use, for non-technical users
  • Remote monitoring and and management (LAN, WAN, Mobile)
Analog vs IP CCTV Solutions

In most security situations, Analog CCTV is still an appropriate technology choice due to its durability and lower initial costs. Standalone setups, where remote integration with WAN, and constant remote surveillance is not required- are ideal for Analog CCTV installations.

Analog CCTV essentially refers to a solution that utilizes electronic CCTV cameras that send raw video feeds to a Digital Video Recorder (DVR), through a dedicated data cable network.

IP CCTV Systems utilize the TCP/IP networking protocol for transmitting video data to a Network Video Recorder in digital format. These systems may utilize existing LAN/WAN networks for their connectivity. IP CCTV is ideal in setups where there is a need for remote surveillance, use of existing networks and integration into a WAN. Apart from the higher initial costs, IP CCTV’s advantages are that it is very easily expandable- more cameras and video storage can be added without any major changes to the installation.