If you are interested in a job in Vashi (Navi Mumbai), India, have talent and ready to face challenges and want to pursue a career in web development then we have golden offers for you.
Creative Saints requires candidates with basic skills such as web designing, web development, programming knowledge and prepares them for our future projects.
Current Openings are listed below. Deserving Candidates can send their resume as an attachment to jobs@creativesaints.com
Immediate opening for an advanced Web applications programmer/developer. You must have extensive knowledge of Object Oriented Programming concepts, C, PHP, HTML (without the help of an HTML WYSIWYG editor), JavaScript, CSS, MySQL, Sendmail, Sessions, Background Processes, Resource Allocation and Apache along with solid experience - no exceptions!
You will be expected to plan, research, develop logic, code, test and deploy several Web projects with minimal assistance. You should know how to build a PHP web application from the ground up, as well as modify and build on existing code. You should know C, PHP & mySQL like the back of your hand. Ideal candidate is located in the New Delhi and NCR area and is seeking a long-term position.
The Responsibilities include:
Work (85%)
Development & maintenance of Bean Architects web applications
Custom application, or new module, specifications
Ensuring quality of work through development and implementation of QA procedures and standards
Administrative (10%)
Accurately outlining work task breakdowns for programming side of new projects
Accurately estimating time frames for work completion and hitting them
Accurately and regularly completing timesheets
Working with team to educate project managers about programming solutions
Management (5%)
Educating and at times, coordinating, contract developers
Willingness to lead in a structured team environment - we encourage the individual and reward the success of the team.
Experience with building highly interactive, highly trafficked, database driven web applications.
Technical Skill Set:
Good understanding of object oriented programming and programming principles.
Comprehensive understanding of the C programming language.
Advanced understanding of the PHP programming language, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, and JavaScript.
Advanced knowledge of Web protocols and programming requirements.
Advanced knowledge of UNIX operating system (primarily Linux) and Apache.
Advanced understanding of mySQL database (developer fundamentals).
Good understanding of PERL and CGI protocols
Depending on experience/knowledge. Will work on contract basis initially. Depending on performance. Starting from 9K.